Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Friday, July 24, 2009
MVS 8!!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
My life ruined...
she doen't want to hear my explaination..........
how that bloody rumor can spread out easily?
i just dun understand...........
just a simple bloody msg can cause this problem...........
i'm so stress up and worry......
all i wan now is to get back her.........
no matter wat.........
the thing that makes me worry the most is she's quite close to a guy recently.......
i dun wan to lose her!
i must get back her......even i'm in the hell or anything.........
i just wan her........
pls forgive me..........
i know is my fault that i created the special msg......
and cause this problem.....
all i hope now...is to reignite wif her......
i dun wanna lose you.......
Friday, July 17, 2009
Euphonium / Baritone Jokes
Q: What do you call a professional euphonium player who doesn't play in a military band?
A: Unemployed.
Q: What do you call a euphonium player with a pager and a cell phone?
A: Optimistic.
Q: Why was the baritone invented?
A: Someone thought the tuba should have a baby.
Q: How many euphonium players does it take to change a light bulb?
A: What the heck is a euphonium??
Q: What's the grading scale for the quality of a baritone?
A: New, Hit by Bulldozer Once, Hit by Bulldozer Twice, Good for Parts.
Q: What do you do if you run over a baritone?
A: Back up and hit it again, just to make sure.
Q: What's the difference between a euphonium player and a large pizza?
A: A large pizza can feed a family of four!
Q: How do you keep a euphonium player in suspense?
A: Don't bother cutting him out of the tree.
Q: What instrument does the stupidest member of the band play?
A: Drums, but if that's too hard, they can always try euphonium.
Q: What's the difference between a dead euphonium player and a dead snake?
A: The snake died on its way to a gig.
Q: How many baritone players does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: One, we think. We've never really bothered to notice when they change lightbulbs.
Q: How do you get a euphonium player to play fortissimo?
A: Write "pp, espressivo"
Q: What's the difference between a euphonium and a drink machine?
A: With the drink machine, you might actually get a Hi-C.
Q: Why don't euphonium players play hide-and seek?
A: Nobody would bother to look for them.
Q: What is the difference between euphonium players and baritone players?
A: Baritone players don't always whine about how they don't play Euphonium.
Q: How many euphoniums does it take to change a light bulb?
A: Two. One to hold the bulb and one to do breathing exercises until the room spins.
Q: What do you call a really bad trumpet player?
A: A treble clef baritone.
Q: How do you get ahold of a baritone player?
A: Eu-phone-ium.
baritone n: 1. vocal: someone who didn't make it as either a tenor or a bass; 2. instrumental: someone who didn't make it as either a tuba or a trombone; 3. a tuba that shrunk in the wash; 4. a trombone with taste; 5. an easier spelling of the word "euphonium."
euphonium n: a baritone that knows somebody
Top five reasons not to play the euphonium:
5: Not being allowed to play in a jazz band or a full orchestra.
4: Having to explain the differences between a baritone and a euphonium when you're really not sure yourself.
3: Having to hit both really high notes and really low notes.
2: Having to explain why your "tuba" is smaller than the rest.
1: No one knows what the heck it is.
Did you hear about the euphonium player who was so out of tune, his section noticed?

Why don't sax players like playing soprano?
There's no place to hide your drugs,
Why did the lead alto player play so many wrong notes?
Because he kept ignoring the key signature-- he thought it was a suggestion.
How many alto sax players does it take to change a lightbulb?
Five. One to do it, and four to comment on how David Sanborn would have done it.
How many C melody sax players can you fit into a phone booth?
All of them.
If lost in the woods, who di you ask for directions, an in-tune tenor sax player, an out-of-tune tenor sax player, or Santa Claus?
The out-of-tune tenor sax player. The other two indicate that you're hallucinating.
What's the difference between a lawnmower and a tenor sax?
1. Lawnmowers sound better in small ensembles.
2. You can tune a lawnmower.
3. The neighbors are upset if you borrow a lawnmower and don't return it.
4. The grip.
What's the difference between a bari-sax and a chain saw?
1. Vibrato.
2. The exhaust.
You may be a redneck saxophonist if...
...you have an old bass sax up on blocks in your front yard.
...you spell it "saxaphone."
...you think the bell of your instrument is a great place to hold a longneck during a gig.
...the gun rack in your pickup truck holds a couple of old Buesher sopranos.
...you think that Boots Randolph is the greatest Jazz musician who ever lived.
What do a saxophone and a baseball bat have in common?
People cheer when you hit them with a bat.
What are trumpets made out of?
Leftover saxaphone parts.
What is the difference between a saxophone and a trampoline?
You take your shoes off to jump on a trampoline.
What were the saxophone player's grades?
Below C level.
What's the difference between a saxophonist and a gentleman?
A gentleman knows how to play but doesn't.
What is the best recording of the Creston Saxophone Sonata?
Music Minus One.
How do you define a perfect pitch?
Throwing an alto sax in a toilet from 20 feet with out hitting the rim
There is a man on a boat that is in a shipwreck. The boat crashes on a jungle island and the man is greeted by natives. In the distance, he hears the sound of drums. He asks what the drums are for and the chief answers, "The drums must not stop." The man is forced to stay the night in the natives village. All through the night, the drums keep on going so he got no sleep at all during the night. He got up in the morning and went to the chief again, begging him to know why the drums couldn't stop. The chief answered, "Because, when drum solo stop, sax solo start."
What's the difference between a saxophone and a vacuum cleaner?
You have to plug in the vacuum cleaner before it sucks.
How can you tell if a saxophonist is intelligent?
He can understand a fingering chart except for L.th and R th.
What do you call a saxophonist who plays mostly 1/64 notes?
A ballad-specialist.
Why did Adolph Sax invent the saxophone?
He hated mankind but couldn´t build a atom-bomb.
The reason why so many weird noises comes out of the business end of saxophones is that Mr Sax never issued any instructions on how to use them. Contrary to popular belief the saxophones are percussion-instruments and meant to be beaten by hammers.
Large hammers.
When should a saxophonist change his reed?
Whenever a difficult section comes up in the music score.
Which is the ideal place to practise on a tenor-saxophone?
A: In Saddam Husseins bedroom.
B: Five fathoms under the surface of the Pacific Ocean.
C: In a deserted coal mine.
D: None of the above.
Correct answer: D: None of the above. A saxophone-player never, but never practises. The risk of learning to play is much too great.
What is Black and Brown and looks good on a saxophonist?
A Doberman
What's the difference between a saxophonist and a lawnmower?
lawnmower cuts grass; a sax player smokes it
What do you call a thousand saxophones at the bottom of the ocean?
Answer: A good start!
How many baritone sax players does it take to pop popcorn?
Two - one to hold the popper and one to shake the stove.
How many tenor sax players does it take to change a flat tire?
Four - one to change the tire, one to work the jack, and the other two to contemplate on how John Coltrane would have done it.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
4 only la........why so excited?.........
hai yo......got to take her baby along for HER......
where i goin to put the baby?
can anyone suggest any idea how to put a baby kangaroo in a bag?
since is her baby......wat to do?
if not i will kena teruk by her..........
in the HOSPITAL!!
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Monday, July 6, 2009
Finally windows 7!!
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Cake time!!
Friday, July 3, 2009
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Life of Marching Band..

Being a marching band member is not an easy thing. To be, we ,must hav marching spirit and interested in music
When it's come to the marching band competion, winning or lose is no longer important.....
the important is a marching band is like one family......
one leave......the whole band will be ruined.....
as a marching band member.....while we in the show.......the important things is we must enjoy while performing in a show......it is part of marching band life.......
I as the Anderson Premier Military Band member......i'm proud to be part of the APMB cause it brings us the true meaning of life as a band member.......
therefore i shall shout out The Anderson Premier Military Band motto..
BAnd is my life.....